Meal Information

All our nutritious snacks and meals are made by our in-house cook at our James Street location. Menus are posted every week outside each classroom for parents.

We offer vegetarian meals and will cater to dietary needs when necessary. 

Example snacks:

  • Bran muffins and fruit slices
  • Banana roll ups with wow butter and mango smoothies
  • Egg bites, English muffins, and apple slices
  • Oatmeal, coconut milk, and berries
  • Hummus and pita with cucumber slices
  • Yogurt, applesauce, and whole wheat crackers

Example lunches:

  • Sweet and sour tofu, brown rice, and sesame cucumber
  • Spaghetti squash casserole and green salad
  • Creamy tuna pasta and roasted vegetables
  • Perogies with sour cream and chickpea salad
  • Chicken rice soup, oven baked cheese on flat bread, and sweet pepper slices

Milk and water are served with snacks and lunch. Water is also offered throughout the day.